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Delayed Lock APK v2.6.6

Download Free Delayed Lock APK v2.6.6 Android App

Not using any pattern-, PIN- or password-lock is a huge security problem, but reentering your PIN a hundred times a day can also be annoying. DelayedLock is a solution to this problem: After unlocking your phone, it will turn the lock screen off for a user defined amount of time.

You can turn your phone off and on as often as you want without entering your password/PIN/pattern again. After a certain time, it will automatically reactivate your lockscreen, so no stranger can access your personal data.

Additionally, there is also a notification in the Android status bar and a widget to immediately reenable the lock screen.

Features :

Delayes the requirement to enter pattern/PIN/password again after succesfully unlocked once
Delay since 'Screen off' or since 'Last unlock'
Ability to show a simple slider lockscreen when pattern/PIN/password lock is currently disabled
Delay & customize the simple slider lock
Quickly re-enable the lock through the Android notification bar or a widget
Widgets & Shortcuts: Toggle Lock, Screen off, Screen off & Lock, Start Simple Lock
Upgradable with free plugins: Unlock with WiFi, Bluetooth or location based and remote activate lockscreen via SMS
compatible with HTC Sense & WidgetLocker, should also work with Tasker & Locale (untested, see Support-Thread)
music controls on simple lockscreen (works with Spotify, Winamp, Google Music and more)

What's in this version: (Updated : Jun 23, 2012)

fixed "you're using face unlock" error message even when not using face unlock
fixed widget icon too small in some cases
simple lockscreen only possible in combination with "hide lock" method now

Required Android O/S : 1.6+
Download : 360Kb APK

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