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Download Free Bloody Mary Ghost Adventure v1.3 APK Android Games

Bloody Mary Project is a mix of Adventure Game with real paranormal scanning, so if you meet Mary and succeed to invoke her using this app there's a high chance that your place is haunted.
The Bloody Mary Project presents a new way of entertainment, creating a personalized experience for each user. Imagine being part of a story and, with your own perceptions and choices, write their end.

The story is divided into chapters (releases free in updates). As a novel, the course and its end are undefined and will depend on your choices.


Stunning 3D/Hand Drawing Graphics
Innovative Real Time System (If you play during day/night that reflects in game)
Dynamic Events Based on Real Time
EMF Sensor that collects data and transform in events
New Chapter Every Month!
Constantly Updates

What's in this version : (Updated : )

New Content: Introducing Chapter II
New Feature: Timeless Mode (Check instructions to learn more)
Difficult Balanced
Minor Bugs Fixes

Required Android O/S : 1.6+
Download : 40Mb APK

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