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Download Free Visidon AppLock Plus APK v1.8.6 Android App

Fast, convenient and cool way to protect your mobile with face recognition. Protect any application (i.e. SMS, Gallery, E-Mail, Facebook, etc.) on your phone using face recognition. Convenient and cool way to increase safety of your private apps and content.

Visidon AppLock Plus lets you choose the apps to be protected. Your face is a key to open them! Application uses the frontal camera of your mobile and verifies in real-time that the face matches the one allowed to access the private apps.


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Pattern and PIN as alternative unlocking methods!
Haptic feedback for all alternative unlocking methods!
Tasker/Locale/EasyProfiles/Llama integration!
More extra features in future versions!

What's in this version : (Updated : May 30, 2012)

Bug fixed that caused crashes in some devices

Required Android O/S : 2.3+
Download : 3.9Mb RAR

Screenshots :

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