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Download Free Spell Checker PRO APK v2.5.6 Android App

Supports English, Español, Français, Italiano, Deutsch, Svenska, Polski, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Turkish
Check and correct your spelling mistakes and send your text by email, Facebook, sms...

Tip #1: Input your text via voice too!
Tip #2: For fast access, keep it in the notification bar, always one click away
Tip #3: For even faster access, long-press the search button to open the spell checker right away

This PRO version include no-ads, faster server, character count and a coffee for us :)

What's in this version : (Updated : May 30, 2012)

New languages: Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Turkish
If you enable the notification, it will appear even when you reboot your phone (only if it has not been moved to the sdcard)
Added characters count, so that you know when to stop writing your SMS, a twitter update, etc.
Change UI with quick access to paste option
Save the application in the sdcard (for 2.2+).
Settings to have a notification always visible to open Spell Checker!

Required Android O/S : 1.5+
Download : 166Kb APK

Screenshots :


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