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Download Free Smart Screen Off PRO APK v2.0

Smart Screen Off PRO it's a simple and light app which uses the Proximity Sensor built in your Android smartphone to turn the screen off and on automatically.


Start on Boot
Disable when in LandScape mode
Vibrate when screen is turned OFF
Vibrate when screen is turned ON
Hide Icon
Hide Notification Messages
Enable/Disable on shake
Don't screen on after screen Off
Configurable light sensor combo
Configurable Timer Delay
Display clock when screen is turned ON

How it works:
The app itself is a toggle button, to switch it on just press the App Icon. Then every time you put the phone into your pockets the screen turns off.
If you put the smartphone upside down on the table, the screen turns automatically off.

NOTE: It doesn't lock the screen (just like in a call)

What's in this version :
(Updated : Apr 22, 2012)

[2.0]Added "set vibrate mode on screen off"
Set ring to vibrate mode only if sensor is covered
Vibrates only if the sensor is covered
Bug Fix (with timerdelay + landscape)
Added chinese translation

Required Android O/S: 1.6+
Download: 100Kb APK

Screenshots :


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