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Download free RootzBox Utility App APK vb005 Android

RootzBox is a new utility from RootzWiki that is designed to help users with all their flashing and root needs. The application is currently in early beta, which means there will be bugs, and the application is not nearly complete.

Goals of RootzBox:

Focus on integration with RootzWiki
Don't re-invent the wheel. We will support other devs and link back to their apps
Include a few "must-have" tools for users' daily needs


File browser
basic functionality: copy, paste, delete, multi-select, zipping, viewing text
shortcuts to folders on desktop
view and copy MD5 of files
FUTURE: multi-tabs, ability to explore zip files
Collects the output of the logcat, uploads to a website and sends you back a short-url for sharing with a dev or friend
FUTURE: view recently uploaded logs, more sharing options, logcat viewer
LCD Density Wizard
Build Prop Editor
Backup/Restore functionality
Descriptions of important properties
FUTURE: add more properties (and suggest some)
News Widgets
3 styles, scroll through newest news on your launcher
updates every hour

Please note: this is a beta. There will be bugs and updates will be frequent. New features will be added with future updates, along with bug fixes. Please send us reports of any logs.

What's in this version: (Updated Apr 21, 2012)

Fixed File Manager FC is folder was empty and su was required to access the folder
Fixed widgets causing FCs on boot
COMING SOON: zip exploration/extraction via File Manager

Screenshots :



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